
Avoid Stressful Court Procedures with Mediation

Hire an Attorney that has Courtroom Experience

Not every legal issue needs to be settled with a trial before the court. In some cases, the situation may be able to be resolved peacefully and with little stress. The process of mediation is one such option; it allows two parties, with the assistance of a mediator, to work out their issues and settle disputes in a peaceful manner, which can help them negotiate an agreement that works for all parties.

There are many advantages to mediation. For one, this process is private, and everything that happens is kept completely confidential. For another, mediation can help make things less stressful. A professional mediator can help open up the negotiation through various strategies and can keep the peace between participants, meaning you can potentially reach a positive outcome with significantly less fighting.


Brian K. O’Connor is an experienced mediator who is ready to help his clients with their concerns. His services are available to the following locations:


  • Los Osos, CA
  • Los Olivos, CA
  • San Luis Obispo County, CA 
  • Santa Barbara County, CA 
  • Ventura County, CA

Contact him today in order to learn more about what he can do.


How can we help you?

If you’ve been injured call (805) 730-7766 to schedule a free consultation.

The information contained on this website is presented for informational and marketing purposes only and is not to be understood as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice respecting your individual needs. Brian K. O’Connor & Associates looks forward to speaking with you about your particular needs. Please note, however, that the mere act of contacting our firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. As a result, you should never send any confidential information to our office until a Representation Agreement has been signed by both you and Brian K. O’Connor & Associates.